Making Bubble Wrap
- A Flash drawing and simple scripting project
- Written for flash MX although adaptable for 2004
- You will need this file to complete this project
Drawing the Inflated bubble.
1 Open your movie file which you downloaded.
2. Click insert=> new symbol. Name the symbol "bubble" and set it to the behavior of a movie clip.
- Distance: 5px
- Steps: 5
- Inset is selected.
10. Add a new layer on top of layer 3, called layer 4. Drag a copy of the basecircle out on to the stage. Use the alignment tools to center it to stage, horizontally and vertically. Right click on the name layer 4, and select mask.
11. Insert a layer above layer 4 called layer 5, and rename it Buttons. Drag a copy of the basecircle onto the stage and center it horizontally and vertically. Select it on the stage. Click insert=> convert to symbol. Name the symbol bubblebutton and give it the behavior of a button.
Back on the bubble timeline, lock all layers. Turn the eye off on The buttons layer.
Drawing the deflated Button
13. In the bubble movie clip, click in frame 2 of the bottom layer, layer 1, and hit your F6 key to duplicate frame. Unlock layer 1.
14. Highlight the symbol on layer one and click modify=> break apart.
15. Use the move tool to highlight the line surrounding the circle. Change the color of the stroke to #CCCCCC. gray.
16. Click in the middle of the circle to highlight the fill. Set the fill on the color mixer to radial fill, let the left slider to gray #999999. Set the right slider to Gray #CCCCCC. Fill the circle from the center. Lock this layer
18. Click on frame 2 of the new layer to highlight all the file. Click modify=> shape=> soften fill edges. Set it it inset, 3 pixels, 3 steps. Lock this layer,
19. Click on the to layer in this bubble symbol. Add a layer, layer 7. Rename this layer Actions.
Scripting the bubble.
20. CLick in frame 1 of the Actions layer. Open the Actions panel and select Actions=> Movie control=> Stop. Click in frame 2 of the actions layer and hit F7. Add the actionscript Actions=> Movie control=> Stop.
21. Unlock the buttons layer and turn the eye on on it. Highlight the button so it is active. Open your action script panel. Click Actions=> Movie control=> goto. Set the goto action to gotoAndStop. Set the frame number to 2.
22. Click on the buttons layer. Add a layer. Call this layer Sounds. Click in frame 2 of the sounds layer and hit F7 to insert a keyframe.
23. While frame 2 is highlighted, open the property inspector. Set the sound to the bubblewrappop sound and synch it as an event.
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