Shape hints are used with shape tweening to tell flash where specific points should start and end up. This gets pretty important in more complex shape tweening, however, shape tweening is not intended to do complex shapes at all.
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You will notice that if you play the movie, the rectangle comes out of the circle while color changes. There usually is a problem with skewing because at this point, we have let it up to flash to deside where the points are coming from/going to. We need to add shape hints to tell flash where we want the points to go.
Back on frame 1 you will see the red shape hint has turned yellow. It is set.
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Preview your movie and watch how straight your box forms. | |
Select the arrow tool and grab the line right where it meets the rectangle and drag it out to the end. This will create a point on the right side. Check your movie. If the tween is not going where it needs to go, Add a shape hint between c and d on your frame 1, and at the outter newest point of frame 25
7. Draw a vertical line through your rectangle near the end. 8. Use your arrow tool to drag the top intersection down and right, and the bottom intersection up and right. Remove your extra lines by clicking them one at a time and hitting your backspace key.Apply a Similar technique to the tail end of the developing arrow, making sure you remove the excess lines. Check your movie. If the tween is not going where it needs to go, Add a shape hint between a and c on your frame 1, and at the inside top newest point of frame 25. Add a shape hint between b and d in frame 1, and the lowest new point on frame 25. |
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tutorial Flash : Shape Hints for Morphing
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